
Why is Manchester favoured by tech start-ups?

Leaders of the industrial revolution, creators of the world’s first stored program computer 和 a frontrunner in UK media creation 和 football teams, Manchester has achieved a lot as a city.

Tech start-ups flocking to Manchester 

根据…的分析 RSM, 有1个,079 Manchester-based software development 和 programming companies incorporated in 2018, which was a 48% increase from the previous year.

This was the highest growth out of all UK regions.Leaders in tech paving the way for the North West

Given some of the prestigious names to come out of Manchester, such as LADBible, 英国广播公司凯洛格, it’s hardly surprising that new companies aspire to work next to such big names. 

Manchester boasts a flourishing tech scene like no other city 和 is currently home to many companies using technology in a groundbreaking way. 汽车贸易商,误入歧途 在海滩上 are also great examples of Manchester-born companies that have built a strong digital presence despite operating in completely different industries.

Why is Manchester so popular with tech start-ups?

的研究 CW工作 揭示了 9% of employers who feel Manchester has the best talent in tech, 56% of them believe this is because Manchester has better ‘tech-focused’ educational institutions. 只有 43% from the same group believed London has better institutions.

Aside from offering top-notch education, Manchester hosts a variety of popular events 和 attractions all year round 和 is located within easy reach for the rest of the UK.

Being a city that offers affordable yet idyllic locations next door to industry leaders, 再加上对中小企业的慷慨支持, why would you want to set up anywhere else?

New research highlights success of the city

科技的国家 revealed in their 2019 survey that there is a total of 13,665 digital tech businesses operating in the North West, with 88,000 people currently employed in the sector. 此外,一项由 约克郡银行 证明了 63% of business owners based in Manchester rate the city ‘very highly’ in regards to the business community – quite a lot higher than the national average of 47%. 

Manchester chosen for IoT development

Manchester was specially selected to become an IoT City Demonstrator as part of an innovation project called CityVerve. £10 million in funding was awarded to help build a powerful IoT presence across the city through the creation 和 installation of smart connected devices, especially relating to public transport, healthcare 和 environmental services. 

Look out for the following - this is how the CityVerve project is making Manchester smarter:

Manchester is a competitive city with big ideas

Ever since splitting the first atom back in 1917, Manchester hasn’t stalled in regards to technological developments. We’ve seen huge broadcasters like ITV 和 the 英国广播公司 setting up headquarters in Media City in 2012 和 2013, which has naturally brought more wealth 和 prestige to the area.  

根据 德勤, 2018 saw more building work taking place in Manchester than Chicago or Los Angeles. Both city centre offices 和 apartments are in high dem和 due to Manchester’s considerably lower cost of living compared to the capital, making the North even more welcoming to aspiring entrepreneurs.


Being located in Media City ourselves, we underst和 why so many companies are drawn to Manchester – there is opportunity everywhere. We know we don’t need to be London-based in order to attract the top clients 和 given the evidence above, we’re not the only ones who know that.

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